A Day of Errands and An Unexpected Conversation

This past Sunday was a day full of errands with my daughter, but it ended up being more eventful than we had anticipated. We started our day at an indoor swap meet, where we were on a mission to find Pro Club T-shirts for my nephews. They live in a different state, and since I’ll be meeting up with my mom and sister in Oregon this weekend, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to send something special back with them. It felt good to pick out something I knew the boys would appreciate, and it gave me a sense of satisfaction knowing that I’d taken care of a task that would bring them joy.

After our successful shopping trip, we headed to an Asian grocery store about 30 minutes from home to stock up on snacks and food for the week. As we wandered through the aisles, I spotted a case of champagne mangoes. I’d never tried them before, and the thought of tasting something new was exciting. Originally, I’d planned to buy papaya, but as I got distracted by all the other interesting items in the store, the papaya slipped my mind until we were nearly out the door. Still, the mangoes seemed like a delightful discovery, and I’m looking forward to slicing them up and enjoying them this week.

Feeling hungry after our grocery run, we decided to grab some sushi for lunch. Sushi is my daughter’s absolute favorite, so we were both looking forward to it. We tried a new restaurant, but unfortunately, it didn’t live up to our expectations. The sushi was subpar, and we quickly agreed that this place was a “one and done”—not somewhere we’d return to. Even though the meal was a bit of a letdown, we enjoyed each other’s company and decided that next time, we’d stick to our usual sushi spots where we know the quality is top-notch.

Our next stop was Ulta, where my daughter wanted to pick up some makeup and skincare items. As we walked in, a vendor promoting a new product immediately approached us. My daughter, still young and not quite experienced in dodging such situations, got caught up in the demonstration. I could see she was trying to be polite, but it was clear she wasn’t very interested. Just then, my business phone rang, and I excused myself to take the call, explaining to the vendor that it was important.

When I returned, the vendor was eager to tell me about an event next week where she’d be offering free facials and a gift. I politely declined, explaining that my schedule was packed with work, but she persisted, suggesting I come by after hours. Our conversation then shifted to my business, and when she asked what I did, I explained that, in addition to my 9 to 5, I am in the life insurance and financial services space part-time. This piqued her interest, and I took the opportunity to ask if she had life insurance. Her response surprised me—she didn’t think she needed it because she was single with no children.

This led to an important discussion. I explained that life insurance isn’t just for those with dependents; it’s also about ensuring that final expenses are covered. Without life insurance, the burden of these costs might fall on someone else, or worse, she might not be laid to rest the way she’d want. She had never considered this perspective before and seemed genuinely thankful for the information. By the end of our conversation, she asked for my business card and mentioned she’d be in touch. It was a fulfilling way to end our errands, knowing I had provided valuable information to someone who hadn’t thought about it before.

Reflecting on the day, I’m grateful for the time spent with my daughter, even if the sushi wasn’t great and our errands took longer than expected. It was a day filled with small but meaningful moments—whether it was finding gifts for my nephews, discovering new fruit, or having an unexpected conversation that might lead to helping someone in the future. These everyday interactions remind me of the importance of the work I do and the joy of spending quality time with my daughter, even in the midst of our busy lives.


Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone: The Journey to Expanding My Business


Another Blog Post to Wrap Up Day One